A Sneak Peek of E3 2017

      This year's E3 2017 is definitely going to be a big focus on Microsoft's Project Scorpio and also Sony's PSVR. Sony has had better success with it's Playstation Virtual Reality Headset than other headsets like Rift or HTC Vive. Microsoft's Project Scorpio is going to blow the PS4 Pro out of the water specs-wise, the PS4 Pro is a minor upgrade when compared to the original while Microsoft is upping it's a-game with a major upgrade from the Original Xbox and last year's release: Xbox One S.

      Project Scorpio is rumored to have 6 Terabytes of Graphics Processing power bring it to the same power range as the GTX 970 and AMD's RX 480 graphics cards that reach that point. The aim of the console is supposed to be centered particularly around 4K however by the graphical power it's been rumored to have, you're not going to see 4K games running at maximum settings nor at 60 fps at 4K resolution. At best this is a mid-range graphics processor so you'll probably see the same medium settings at 30 fps as Xbox One with 4K native resolution and that's a big bet when AMD's Fury Nano only managing to get 30 fps with a higher amount of processing power.

      Sony's PSVR is going to see more games, there's been Battlefront 2 ads in countries like Germany where you would hopefully be able to play the whole game in VR rather then the small mission in Battlefront. People's fingers are crossed because that would show that VR would be capable of displaying fully immersive experiences in AAA quality games.

   It looks like for Ninty, there will be more games for it's Nintendo Switch console and supposely a couple for the 3DS (that remains to be seen given the console's 6 year history). Nintendo is going to show Ubisoft's Mario + Rabbids Magic Kingdom game that has leaked, there's supposed to be a Metroid game in the works for next year according to a hint by Reggie, Nintendo of America's Public Relations (PR) Spokesperson earlier this year. Also given the Nintendo 3DS's 6 year history, the handheld will probably be getting a reveal next year but don't count of it this year with it's success.
