AMD Makes A Hopeful Comeback With The First Ryzen Laptop

     As Asus previously teased a reveal for Computex 2017 earlier this month. It has revealed the first Ryzen laptop which for what it looks like is pretty impressive in terms of specs. While the laptop chassis itself looks like one of this year's designs and the teaser itself kind of protruded that direction. The specs itself is what really makes it new, it uses a 8-core Ryzen 1700 CPU with a RX 580 GPU on-board which is amazing if these are full fledged chips and not cut-down versions of the real ones. However given that we're dealing with a laptop here, heat and throttling has to be under control as well as the weight of the laptop itself so the chips are probably cut down versions. Hopefully in the future that can be addressed given that Nvidia can fit full versions of it's GPUs in laptops these days.
(Disclamer: These are not my pictures, I take no credit for them)

    ASUS has stated that the Ryzen 1700 runs at 65 watts however power requirements, GPU core counts and other specs regarding the RX 580 GPU weren't revealed. Hopefully in a couple of months or so they can show the specs for it's GPUs, The laptop has a 17.3 inch IPS Screen with FreeSync Technology (AMD's version of Nvidia's G-Sync which matches the FPS to the refresh rate without causing any screen tearing on your games due to the FPS exceeding the refresh rate of the monitor)  and will be available in a 75hz or 120hz refresh rate for the screen itself. 

   Thankfully with this announcement it looks like competition is coming back for the gaming laptop sector which is good news for Gamers because a monopoly only promotes higher prices without having to worry about backlash since the customer doesn't have freedom of choice. As I have always said "Variety is the spice of life",  Without variety, there's no life or freedom.
