Hackers Cripple British Airlines Causing System-Wide Shutdown

      In what has been a wild month for hacking incidents, British Airline looks to be the latest target of system intrusions. The hacking attack that has breached British Airlines has caused all flights to be cancelled leaving some travelers stranded in terminals and queues trying to get a alternative flight to their destinations. According to reports elsewhere, the affected system could be down for days due to the extent of the hacking attack that caused system shutdowns.

    Travelers have been venting their anger online despite the company assurances of a quick resolve as well a formal apology. This year however has set a new standard in cyber-attacks, previously cyber-attacks were aimed at a particular company's servers and the damage would be contained somewhat but these days hacking attacks have grown more widespread in this world of being connected. The attacks have enough power to bring entire internet structures to a temporary halt and affect dozens of company's services all at once causing huge financial losses and plenty of anger and frustration among the masses affected by such outages.

