Phil Spencer Thinks Most People Don't Care about 60 FPS

Xbox One X Reveal (Photo by CNET)

     Phil Spencer today in a interview with GameCentral about the Xbox One X stated that he doesn't think people cares a lot about 60 frames per second and that it's not really important to them. The interviewer made a good point that it's the only number that affects the gameplay and that you see little different in resolutions than you do frame rates yet both console manufacturers don't seem to put enough emphasis and focus in making consoles powerful enough to drive most games at 60 frames per second.
     I agree wholeheartedly and I think most people notice there's a big difference when you go from 60 to 30 to below 30 fps provided they know what exactly frame rate is to begin with.. This video will inform you on the difference between 60 fps, 30 fps and under 30 fps. I personally have always preferred 60 fps even on console, I even have a monitor that displays frame rates higher than 60 and the difference between 60 and 144 isn't as big of a jump as 30 to 60 frames per second.

   The experience of 144 FPS on a 144 hertz monitor basically makes your game actions more responsive than 60 fps. Console experiences I feel would be much better if people could afford to spend more on a console and it would help the overall gaming industry as a whole instead of leaving one spectrum of the gamers segregated against another spectrum of gamers (Console vs PC gamers) with one having an inferior experience of gaming (Consoles) vs. another getting a superior experience of gaming (PC). Unfortunately new technology doesn't start cheap nor does the best experience come cheap either. I do hope that over time gaming consoles will catch up with PC and it probably will, it just evolves much slower than PC gaming does on a graphical level even though Microsoft and Sony are doing mid-generation upgrades for their consoles in a bid to make that progress much more faster than previous generations have sought.

   To conclude I think that Phil Spencer is wrong and that if more people were more informed on differences in frame rates people will care and have a preference for 60 fps although I could be wrong. From my social interactions on PC, Some people have a preference on having 60 FPS on PC and 30 FPS at the least on console but I feel overall the population has a preference for having 60 FPS regardless of platform they play on, they just don't know it because they aren't informed on frame rates and why it's so important. I know as a kid I knew nothing about frame rate but I noticed my gaming experience deteriorated over time as games got more demanding back when I played on my Playstation 3 Slim. I just couldn't grasp the proper term of what this experience was but I knew I really preferred 60 fps once I was educated more on the subject itself.
