What will Gaming Be Like In 15 years?

     It's been 35 Years since the Great Video Game Crash of 1983 and the savior of gaming itself Nintendo turned away from it's 100+ year playing card business that it once was known for it save the face of gaming itself. In these short 35 years we have seen graphics technology explode making the 8 bit games of the late 80's and 90's look like ancient tech that the Aztecs could had made up, After all they did create the number "zero". Without the Aztec empire's help, Electronic Processors wouldn't be computing 1's (on) and 0's (off). Back to the subject at hand, It's hard not to find somebody that isn't into gaming even Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel is into Gaming and she's a female.

   It's not just the gender demographic change that we have seen in the early 2000's and slowly increase over time that has changed the face of gaming. It's the way we interact with games in today's world, Games like Destiny and Rainbow Six: Siege promote socialization among other gamers to communicate and work together. Now there's E-Sports tournaments that people of the public can go out in real life, Bring their laptop or PC to an convention center and meet new people in real life. E-Sports in now a multi-million dollar industry and the gaming industry itself is worth billions.

    The Future of Gaming Itself

    Now given an idea of what the last 35 years have brought to gaming, We have to look to the future and see what will happen within these next 15 years. Nvidia has talked with PC Gamer about the future of graphics itself and how it would blur the line of reality and virtual reality. So far VR doesn't appear to be taking off like it was supposed to. Some would take that assessment as a good signal that people rather be in real life interacting with real things and I personally agree, Some would rather live in an Star Citizen Hanger all day in Virtual Reality and live out their space fantasies and that's fine. Virtual Reality has the opportunity have people experience things they wouldn't in real life or couldn't experience due to disabilities or other even differences in geographical locations. You might live in a country where it's mostly a desert but you really want to ski and experience adventures on mountains however you live thousands of miles away across an large ocean.

   The Movie Industry Leads The Way

    The leading innovations in graphics technology is the movie industry, When you see ultra-detailed graphics in your movies that you experience that's what gaming will be like in a decade or so when graphics processors get to the point where the technology is affordable for people at home. The CG Graphics you see in some of these movies require server farms so to fit all that graphical power on a single graphics card so it's impossible to do at this point of time. Server farms are where clusters and clusters of graphic processors are all connected together to create the intended effects of graphics that the director of any given movie intends. 

   Audio Technology

   Audio technology has advanced so well in the decades compared to the 90's even computer speakers have done that. Now you have Dolby Atmos support on certain EA games so you have not only a 360 degree sound-stage but you also have sound above you and below you to a certain extent. Currently the technology is new so not everybody including me can afford it but it has made games like Battlefield 1 and Star Wars Battlefront sound epic. In the years to come I expect the degree of sound above and below to you to more refined, Rather than having just shelf speakers with speakers on-top doing job but also you would have ceiling speakers to do it better. Perhaps more developers rather than EA would provide Dolby Atmos Support in their games and future game consoles will include the support as well,