Why Can't Valve Make More Sequels To It's Games?


     As much as I like Valve and it's Steam Service, I feel still that Valve should make more sequels to it's games. I mean Portal is a awesome game and I like how it's has Steam Workshop support to prolong the experience but some of us want a true sequel not external indie support to prolong a game. I really was late to the game sort of speak to experience Portal 2's online co-op so I never got the chance to experience it for myself since the population is only in the triple digits these days. Now granted since online co-op only uses 2 players to play one could have a good chance of finding a match but that's beside the point.

     Some of us have played multiplayer for a long time and doing the same stages again makes the experience stale over time. Historically Valve doesn't know how to make more than 2 games for any given series unless it still has a good online population so I can get why they don't want to add more content but EA's BF Hardline went down the toilet on PC and you didn't see them cancel content with a very low online population. Counter Strike : Global Operations has been online since 2012, Portal 2 was available since 2011 so my question is why close a store so early? Nintendo's Wii Shop Channel on Wii is still online and yes you can still download games 11 years later so why couldn't valve follow Nintendo's steps. The only thing that I give good credit towards valve is keeping it's online multiplayer servers running, Nintendo didn't send a Wii System Update to prolong it's games when Gamespy shut-down it's servers that Nintendo Games were support by because it was struggling with getting people to buy it's latest Wii U console with newer games but still failed.

    My point is why can't Valve make more sequels, There definitely is demand at least for a new Half-Life game so why couldn't Valve supply the demand? Right now people are making a joke out of it because they have this impression that Valve will never launch a new Half-Life and it's too occupied with it's Steam Service Success so Valve didn't feel the need to launch anything. In other words Valve has grown increasingly comfortable due to it's cash wind-fall that has made them laugh all the way to the bank.


   I really hope in the future Valve will hopefully re-think it's approach and make what many people have hoped it would set out to do: Make more games. You can make games and run an online store, Sony and Microsoft as well as Nintendo has been able to accomplish that at very good efficiency. With that said, There should be no excuse for Valve not to make more games or sequels to it's current game portfolio. People that might be sympathetic towards Valve need to remember that it's no longer a new tech start-up anymore like it was a long time ago, It's a big business with concrete trade connections and signed contracts with the biggest game development companies in the world which is why it has a big variety of AAA games not to mention indie games on it's Steam service as well.