3 Ways Nintendo Could improve it's Virtual Console Service

While in the past Nintendo had Virtual Console up and running on it's Wii U console day one so far it has been taking it's time with implementing the VC service and to be honest it could use some work.  Here's 3 ways Nintendo could improve it's VC Service:

Cross Platform Title Transfers

Nintendo could save people the trouble of having to repurchase Virtual Console Titles when they buy 
a new console by allowing players to redownload titles via it's tie-in Nintendo Network Service. That's one of the biggest annoyances I have had with it's service in the past . 

Build up on it's current VC title catalog on previous systems rather than start from scratch

Nintendo could retain the current VC titles in it's Wii U and Wii Shop Channel and pick up where it stopped rather than relaunching previously launched games with each system launch. It would definitely make some more variety and keep people wanting to come back to buy more titles.

Add sales for Virtual Console games

From time to time maybe on Anniversaries with past Nintendo titles, Ninty could add a 1 to 3 day sale for select VC titles. For example, On the anniversary of DK: Country it could have a modest 10 percent reduction for DK: Country titles. It could be a cool addition for retro fans.
