Tim Cook Says iPhone X price at $999 is a Value

While I will give Tim Cook credit and praise for making it's Operating System the most secure out there and for standing up against anti-privacy hawks, I think he's being a little ridiculous by suggesting that's a bargain price to pay for a phone. Maybe for somebody like him that's a CEO of the Most Valuable Company it's a bargain price but not for those that make minimum wage or slightly above that amount and live paycheck to paycheck.

iPhone X Announcement (Photo Credit: hyser.com.ua)

Despite his "value price" statement, I think this is probably the most radically re-designed iPhone I have seen since the phone was first introduced. I'm more accustomed to gradual innovations with Apple's iDevice series so this is a shock to me but maybe not so much for those following the rumor and leak scene that always makes it rounds no matter how hard Apple tries to crackdown on it's leaks.

The thing I do have a reservation about is the new Face iD feature of this new phone. While Apple tries it's best to plug security loopholes and zero-day exploits there will always be potential for rogue elements in society to exploit new technology whether it's for surveillance purposes or to make a quick buck on the dark web. With that said, I hope Apple gives people a choice to disable the facial recognition feature for customers that are privacy-oriented.

Granted most people that are on a contract might be able to gradually pay month by month for financing plans to get a iPhone X but for the minority of us who want to buy an unlocked version and be able to choose carriers at will the price doesn't seem very appealing for something being categorized as a"value" phone.
