Nintendo to Shut Down Wii Shop Channel

As a sign of a increasingly dying era, Nintendo posted a notice on it's Wii Shop Channel yesterday announcing the closure of its shop in 2019. Starting March 26th 2018 Wii Points won't be able to be bought to buy new content whether it's VC titles or Wiiware using a credit card or with a Wii Points Card obtained through other means.

People who have software they want to buy are urged to do so before the March 26th deadline if they need to buy Wii Points. Those who have Wii Points left over past that date have until 2019 to use them. I would recommend people to back up content to an SD card because after the closure of the shop you won't be able to access the channel and re-download content so any data that is lost or corrupt would be gone forever.

Ninty thanks it's loyal customers for their patronage over the years and hopes to serve them through other means in the future.
