Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Review

The successor to EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2 is close at hand and EA has been generous enough to allow people to get a small taste of what to come in a form of a timed "demo" it calls "Open Beta" so let's dig in on the skinny, Shall we?

EA has said that the successor would address most of the concerns regarding it's Battlefront launch and I say it does address some of those issues. There's definitely a bigger variety of guns, You got everything from heavy guns to Snipers in this game however for beta each class is limited to only 2 weapons a piece and the latter one you unlock later on through purchase with credits or crates you can change parts to it
Each class definitely has it's own uses, Snipers are good for scouting and defending objectives from a safe range, Support is good for defending with sentry drones and so on. Throughout the game you earn currency called "Battle points" that you can use to spawn in vehicles and heroes in the match which is really cool rather than the old system of finding these huge coins to spawn heroes and vehicles that skilled users that know the map will hog them.

Vehicle handling has been improved and for the Starfighter Battles which is basically a play on Battlefield's "Air Superiority" mode there's a circle located on enemy planes that help guide you where to shoot to get a kill which is helpful for new players but I feel it will be abused by the most skilled players.

The reload gun mechanics have been improved, Rather than having to wait for your overheat meter to go down before you can use your weapon or risk it over heat, You can just press R and reload whenever however Heavy weapons take longer to fully reload (a couple seconds later to be exact).

I will say for the map choice with 40 players it feels largely empty like they made the map too big for 40 players so sometimes it takes longer to find an enemy player however once you reach the castle where it's infantry combat and you have to shutdown an objective the pace picks up and there's a lot more action in-game. Whether of not that was intentional remains to be seen, We only were allowed to play on one map so that's up in the air for now.

Perhaps what will tick up PC gamers particularly clans and Original Battlefront 2 veterans on PC is the lack of a server browser and the rent-a-server option. A lot of people voiced their opinion on the Battlefront forums when Battlefront launched and I'm sure that's bound to happen again if it hasn't yet since this concern has clearly fallen on deaf ears.

While game has improved from the original, I can't be sure about how much content the full release will get and whether this one will tank again at least for the PC Community. EA has had a love / hate relationship with PC fans over the years so I expect that most PC gamers will put off the purchase like myself until we see what we're getting for our money and whether the population for servers will hold up over a few months time.
