Intel to Add More Cores To 9th Generation CPUs

Intel has finally decided to add more to cores to it's next gen upcoming 9th gen CPUs if recent leaks are to be confirmed true. Intel's i3 series will end up with 4 cores and 8 threads, The i5 CPUs will have 6 Cores with 12 threads and it's i7 series will have 8 Cores and 16 threads. This strategic move would sure enough rattle AMD's feathers and possibly dethrone it's Ryzen CPUs that house the Zen Architecture and soon to be it's Zen+ Cores which basically are a refresh with higher core clocks.

I'm really surprised that Intel didn't think of this earlier (if the leaks turn out to be true) after AMD launched the FX series but again AMD got slammed for it's lackluster performance and over-hyping it's FX line of CPUs so perhaps Intel didn't feel the need to follow AMD's lead back then. It makes sense for them to pursue it now since Ryzen has been either on-par or ahead of Intel's current CPU performance.

Now whether Intel dethrones AMD's Ryzen series or not and whether the leaks are true what really matters is that fact that there finally is competition in the CPU arena which can only be a good thing for consumers. AMD has been behind the curve for some time and there has been this sense of unfair competition for so long that it's a welcoming feeling for Intel to finally face a challenge. One can only hope that this continues and AMD doesn't end up choking on Intel's dust yet again.
